The Role Of Olive Oil In Diabetes

Extra virgin olive oil is playing a major role in diabetes.

The intake of extra virgin olive oil with the activity of the insulin, the diminishing of some fatty elements and the replacement of the carbohydrates and mono-unsaturated fats, today constitutes the most important and therapeutic intervention in the non insulin depended diabetes.

The stability of the glucose in the blood, of olive oil fed individuals, marks olive oil, a major medicine, for diabetes. The olive oil though can not be the only therapeutic intervention in this disease.

The sugar diabetes is owed in the deficiency of the insulin hormone, which is produced by the pancreas (diabetes type 1 which depends on insulin).

It  is also owed in the unbalance of the produced insulin with the needs of the body (diabetes type 2 which doesn’t depend on insulin).

The insulin, except the cerebral cells of the red blood globules and the heart muscle, under specific circumstances, is essential for the circulation of the glucose to get in the blood cells.

The glucose is essential for the occurring of the most metabolic functions of the cell, starting from the combustion of the substances in the composition of the nucleic acids DNA and RNA.

The transportation of the glucose in the inside of the cell, is done through the glucose transporters GLUTs, which are controlled  from the insulin.

Over the years studies have been conducted and proven that the olive oil is of major importance in the fight of diabetes type 1 and type 2.

The 2 major study categories are:

1. Studies that resulted in the actions of olive oil and other fatty substances in the formation of diabetes, and

2. Studies that resulted in the actions of fatty substances in diabetes, which are indebted in the increased concentration of glucose in the blood, which can modify the biological action, with results in blindness or destruction of the function of the nerves and or arteriosclerosis.

A diet rich in saturated fats, reduces the action of insulin, (resulting in the non insulin depended diabetes), although the olive oil doesn’t effect the action of the insulin hormone, in opposition with the poly-unsaturated fatty acids which are reducing the actions of insulin.

The olive oil intake with the operating actions of the insulin, the replacement of carbohydrates with mono-unsaturated fats (like fish oils), today appears to be the best therapeutic intervention for the non insulin depended diabetes type 2.

For the normalization of the insulin hormone the use of extra virgin olive oil is essential and its use, with medicinal therapy can bring great results.

To rip off all the great benefits of the best olive oils in the world, order the ones in this site with 0.24% acidity, hand picked, crushed the same day of being picked and with a wide variety to satisfy every ones taste. Click on the blue links and order. Italian and Spanish olive oils, to choose from.

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